ECEA Bright Foundation Established and Open for Business!
6/14/23, 9:00 PM
ECEA has launched a NEW Non-Profit 501c3 to support the Colorado Child Care Industry
This new non-profit is currently being approved by the IRS. We will work in an innovative way to support the child care industry. ECEA Bright Foundation doesn't have a membership. All licensed programs qualify for supportive services. Our focus? Directors! If we can help them to improve their business cultures and business practices then we can effect sustainable change for the children in care.
Can you donate? YES! All donations will be effective retroactively to today. Although this organization is new, our impact on the industry is not. The Early Childhood Education Association of Colorado Board, who registered this new foundation, has been working to support the industry since 1985. Our new foundation enables us to serve more programs and to raise funds to support those outcomes.
Partner with us today! You will know what your donation is accomplishing for child care programs, children and families, as well as the Statewide economy!