Our Services
ECEA Bright Foundation offers trainings in partnership with the Early Childhood Education Association of Colorado (ECEA). We support the childcare industry statewide through these trainings.
Available Trainings
Infant/Toddler Orientation - Virtual
NEW State Approved Alternate Pathway 8 hour Infant/Toddler Orientation. This is the best way to make sure your employees start with a strong foundation in:
1) Quality interactions,
2) Compliance requirements
3) Professionalism
This training takes place from 8-11 a.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday each week so that it can become a basic part of your new employee onboarding. We will train your staff virtually and they will have homework after day 1: Complete an onsite checklist and conduct 2 - 1 hour observations (1 in the infant room and 1 in the toddler room at your site). Training will wrap up on Wednesday and your employees certificate will be loaded into PDIS automatically!
Cost is $60 per person
Email: info@coloradoecea.org to register
To register we need to know:
1) your program name/license number
2) Director contact info
3) Employee name/email
We will send you a QuickBooks Invoice to use for payment. Payment must be received prior to training.
QUESTIONS? Email: peggy@coloradoecea.org or kim@coloradoecea.org
Pyramid Plus Training -Virtual
This training counts as 2 points in formal education towards an Early Childhood Credential. We go in depth to provide participants with tangible skills and resources to support the social emotional development of the children that they serve. The training is offered on Tues/Thursday evenings on a rolling basis via Zoom and is a total of 45 hours per training. Certificates will be automatically uploaded into PDIS.
Email: info@coloradoecea.org to register
To register we need to know:
1) your program name/license number
2) Director contact info
3) Employee name/email
We will send you a QuickBooks Invoice to use for payment. Payment must be received prior to training. Course details will be sent out about a week in advance of the training to participants.